Dimensioners at the price of a coffee per day

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vMeasure Parcel Ultima UX


The purpose of this guide

The vMeasure Parcel Ultima Application serves as the touchpoint to activate and interact with the device. Therefore, a user must be proficient with the various menus and settings available on the application to quickly setup the device from the touchscreen initially. Moreover, the user will take a deep dive into what every button on the screen do to get more acquainted with the application.
This document aims to educate the user on each menu’s functionality while illustrating its features. It will familiarise the device to the user and pave the way for its efficient usage.

How to use this guide?

This document provides detailed information on navigating and using the vMeasure Parcel Ultima application. The manual gives step-by-step instructions for all the key steps in clear and easy-to-understand language. If you have any more queries, reach out to vmeasure@visailabs.com
To enhance the ease of following commands, the application images and video links to that specified task have been provided at every step of the process.
Perform each task as instructed in the manual to avoid discrepancies or errors during installation or measurement.

First 5 things to do in the application

Figure 1 – Calibration Menu
Weighing Scale Configuration
Figure 2 – Scale Menu
Barcode Scanner Configuration
Figure 3 – Barcode Configuration Menu
Trigger Mode Configuration
Figure 4 – Trigger Menu
Figure 5 – Measurement Menu
Refer to sections – 2.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.3, 2.3.8, 2.3.9, and 2.4 in this document to get started with the vMeasure Parcel Ultima.

The vMeasure Parcel Ultima Walkthrough

Boot Screen

After successful device installation, switch on the power to the device and the following boot screens will appear on the touchscreen while the application loads.
Figure 6.1 – Boot Screen 1
Figure 6.2 – Boot Screen 2

Login Screen

Figure 7: Login Screen
Step 1: Enter the PIN sent by the vMeasure team to the registered email ID.
Step 2: Click ‘Login’ to proceed.

The Settings Page

The settings page is the first menu that a user sees after successful login into the application. It contains all the settings required to configure and run the device properly.
The following sections of the document will further explain all these settings and their operations in detail.


Figure 8: The Calibration Menu
Step 1: Click on the Calibration menu
Figure 9: The Setup Height Configuration Screen
Step 2: Choose the appropriate setup height. It should match the mount height of the device.
Step 3: The device will begin to calibrate. Note that the ground must be clear during calibration.
Refer the do’s and don’ts during calibration in the Installation do’s and don’ts
Figure 10: Calibration in Process
If the mount height differs with the selection on the application, the user will receive the following error message:
Figure 11: Calibration Failure Message
Step 3a: Click the ‘Recalibrate’ button with the right setup height.
Step 3b: After successful calibration, the user will see this screen:
Figure 12: Calibration Success
Step 3c: Click the ‘Close’ button to finish device calibration.

Units Menu

Figure 13: The Units Menu
Inside the Units menu, the user can configure the measurement units in the following ways:
  1. inch – lb
  2. inch – kg
  3. cm – kg
  4. cm – g
Select the desired units from the dropdown. This will determine the values displayed in the measurement screen after successful dimensioning.
Figure 14: Data Saved Successfully
Volumetric Weight Tab
Below the Units conversion tab in the Units menu, the user can view the divisor value used to calculate the volumetric weight.
Figure 15: Divisor Value Tab
The user can view the volumetric weight divisor value configured for this device.
Additionally, this section will display the preferences for volumetric weight data upload to the desired server and showing volumetric weight result in Measurement Page.
These preferences can be made through vMeasure Forge.
Real Volume Tab
Figure 16: Real Volume
The user can choose to upload the real volume to the desired server and have it displayed on the Measurement page. This screen shows its status.
These configurations can be done on vMeasure Forge.
Cubic Volume Tab
Figure 17: Cubic Volume
The user can choose to upload the cubic volume to the desired server and have it displayed on the Measurement page. This screen shows its status.
These configurations can be done on vMeasure Forge.
See how to configure the volumetric weight divisor in this video: (Link to the ‘How to configure the volumetric weight’ in the vMeasure Forge)
Scale Menu
This menu lets the user configure the integrated weighing scale.
Get in touch with vmeasure@visailabs.com if you have any queries or need assistance with integrating one of these triggering options.
Figure 18: The Scale Menu
Step 1: Click the dropdown to view all the weighing scales integrated with the device
Figure 19: List of Integrated Weighing Scales
Step 2: Select the desired weighing scale and click the ‘Save’ button to configure it. Note that the user should re-calibrate after selecting a weighing scale.
Figure 20: Save to Finish the Configuration

Network Menu

Figure 21: The Network Menu
The network menu allows the user to set the system’s IP address. This configuration contains settings for Static IP Setup and DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) setup as you can see from Figure 17.
Step 1: Select the desired mode of connection. (Currently, vMeasure only provides ethernet based connection.) The ethernet should be connected to the vMeasure device at all times.
Figure 22: Network Settings
Step 2: Toggle the switch to choose either DHCP or Static IP. The system will take a few minutes to obtain the connection.
The following table gives a short description about the other fields in this page:
Parameter Valid Range Brief Description
IP address
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Where x = 0 to 255
It is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network. You can only use static IPv4 addresses for permanent addresses. For example:
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Where x = 0 to 255
Subnet is a logical subdivision of an IP network. For example:
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Where x = 0 to 255
A gateway IP refers to a device on a network which sends local network traffic to other networks. For example:
Preferred DNS
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Where x = 0 to 255
It is the primary choice to handle internet protocol mapping For example:
Alternate DNS
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Where x = 0 to 255
It is used when the primary DNS server does not respond For example:
You can validate the network connectivity by clicking the ‘Test’ button on this screen.

The Update Menu

Figure 23: The Update Menu
Periodic updates to the device improve speed and efficiency. The user can instantly perform an update in this menu.
When the user clicks this menu, the system will check for the latest updates.
Figure 24: System checks for new updates
Step 1a: If the system is not updated to the latest version, the user will see this screen:
Figure 25: New Update Available
Step 1b: Click on the ‘Download’ button. The system will download and install the latest update. The device will restart during the process.
Step 2: In case the device is up to date, then the user will see this screen:
Figure 26: System is updated to the latest version

The Backup Menu

The Backup menu lets the user configure the backup protocol for the measurement data collected during dimensioning.
Figure 27: The Backup Menu
Backup Recovery Tab
Figure 28: Backup Recovery Tab
The ‘Remaining’ section shows the pending measurement data that are yet to be backed up to the cloud.
Diagnostic Data Tab
The user can generate diagnostic data from the section and share it with the vMeasure QA team for assessment. This will help the team understand any issues faced by the user and fix errors on the device.
Figure 29: Uploading the Diagnostic Data
Click the ‘Upload’ button to share the data with the vMeasure QA team.

The Time Zone Menu

This menu allows the user to configure to the specific time zone of the country where the device is being used. Any incorrect time zone selection will display the wrong time and date which will create issues during measurement and shipping label generation.
Figure 30: The Time Zone Menu
Figure 31: Time Zone Selection
Step 1: Choose the relevant time zone from the drop down box.
Step 1: Click the ‘Save’ button after selection.

The Trigger Menu

vMeasure Parcel Ultima supports three triggering options: Barcode scanner, Weight sense, and Touch screen. This feature enables the user to speed up the dimensioning flow.
Figure 32: The Trigger Menu
Figure 33: Triggering Options
Step 1: This page will typically contain the triggering option integrated by the vMeasure team as preferred by the company.
Step 2:Click ‘Save’ to configure the trigger.
The triggering option will take effect once the system reboots.

The Barcode Menu

The user must setup the barcode scanner integrated with the device. This menu will allow for a one-click configuration of the same.
Figure 34: The Barcode Menu
Get in touch with vmeasure@visailabs.com if you have any queries or need assistance with barcode integration.
Figure 35: Barcode Configuration
Step 1: Choose the integrated barcode scanner from the dropdown.
Step 1: Click ‘Save’ to finish the configuration

The Measure Menu

The Measurement Screen

The user will capture all the Product Level Details in this screen. This section will run through the major components in this screen.
Figure 36: The Key Elements of the Measurement Screen
  1. This section displays the SKU dimensions, actual weight, and volumetric weight.
  2. The camera preview.
  3. The ‘Measure’ button.
  4. Annotations:
    • Toggle the ON/OFF switch to get annotated SKU images after measurement.
  5. Barcode ID from the SKU is captured here.
  6. The status of the current screen.
Click the ‘Measure’ button to dimension.
Figure 37: Measurement in process
  1. The SKU dimensions, actual weight, and volumetric weight are captured.
  2. The camera preview displays the SKU image with annotations.
  3. Success message indicating data capture and its upload to the cloud.
Figure 38: Dimensioning Successfully Completed
Click ‘Close’ to dimension the next SKU.


Logs store both the measurement and calibration data. The user can view all the dimensioning data under the measurement logs and the status of current and previous calibration in the calibration logs.
Figure 39: Measurement Logs
The measurement logs contain the following:
  • Status: It tells whether the measurement was a success or had errors.
  • Measurement ID: A unique number assigned to all measurements
  • Date & Time
  • Length, Width, Height, and Actual Weight
  • Barcode ID
  • Additional Info:This column shows the error or success message captured during that measurement.
Figure 40: Calibration Logs
The calibration logs contain the following:
  • Status: It tells whether the calibration was a success or had errors.
  • Calibration ID:A unique number assigned to all calibrations
  • Date & Time
  • Parameter: Displays the criteria on which the status of the calibration is decided.
  • Barcode ID
  • Old: The previous mount height.
  • New: The current mount height.

The Info Page

This screen provides all the information about the device. The user can view details such as Serial No, Version No, the minimum and maximum package size for specific heights etc.
Figure 41: Info Page

Log out

After a successful day of accurate dimensioning, press the last icon on the left hand side tab to log out.
Click the ‘Yes’ button to log out of the device.


Check out our videos to get easily acquainted with vMeasure Parcel Ultima.
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Pro
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Gold


If you have any questions about our product or applications, contact our support team – send an email, call us, or use our contact form.
It might take a few minutes so that we can support you as efficiently as possible. While contacting, tell us:
  • The name of the product
  • The serial number of the product
  • The short description of the issue
  • The peripherals connected to the system for answering your questions
We will be happy to help you!
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