Dimensioners that measure anything from parcels to pallets

Support Center

How to create new workflows in Master Mode?

  • Go to the ‘Workflows’ tab.
  • Click on the ‘Add Workflow’ button
  • • You will now see the ‘Workflow Form’ as shown in the image below:
    • There are three sections to complete the Workflow Creation.
      • Basic Settings Page
      • Measurement Page
      • Additional Input Page
  • Input the required details in the ‘Basic Settings’ Page
    • Ensure you enable the ‘Master’ in the Device Mode field.
    • You can configure the Navigation keys for the ‘Next Key’ and the ‘Skip Key’ using any of the following keyboard inputs: Enter, Tab, Page Up, Page Down, and Esc. Enable the ‘Key Navigation’ button to use this feature.
    • You can also navigate between screens using the barcode. Enable the ‘Barcode Navigation’ button. Then, generate barcodes for the Next Key and Skip Key to perform this function.
  • Click on the ‘Next’ button
  • Enter the required details in the ‘Measurement’ Page with the instructions given below:
S.No Field Name Description
Barcode Field
Configure the barcode settings
Barcode Field Name
Input the barcode field name as required
Barcode Minimum Length
The minimum length of the barcode to input
Barcode Maximum Length
The maximum length of the barcode to input
Measurement Trigger
Choose the Measurement Trigger
Delay After Trigger
The time delay between the barcode scan and measurement
Volumetric Weight
This section contains the Volumetric Weight configurations
Volumetric Divisor
This is a read-only field that displays a volumetric divisor set.
Show Volumetric Result
Option to turn on or off volumetric weight calculation
Image Annotation
This section contains image annotation configurations
Option to turn on or off data and time annotation on the image
Volumetric Weight
Option to turn on or off Volumetric Weight annotation on the image
Barcode ID
Option to turn on or off Barcode ID annotation on the image
Custom Field
This section allows adding custom fields on the measurement page.
Check this box to retain the data on the custom field added after measurement.
Measurement Result
This section contains measurement result configuration
Enable Result Timeout
Enables timeout to auto-clear the measurement data
Show Result Barcode
Display the measurement data as a QR code
  • Click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the final step of the Workflow creation process.
  • In the additional inputs page, you can add even more pages between the barcode and the measurement screen to collect additional information.
  • You can do so by creating any one of the following field types:
    • Text Box
    • Check Box
    • Radio Button
  • Click on the ‘Save’ button to finish the workflow creation in the Master Mode.
  • View the created workflows under Home / Workflows
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vMeasure Parcel Ultima
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