Dimensioners that measure anything from a parcel to an oversized pallet

A guide to boosting warehouse productivity in 6 easy ways

A guide to boosting warehouse productivity in 6 easy ways


It takes constant effort to keep a warehouse operating effectively to maximize returns. What is the best way to boost warehouse productivity, though? Confusion can occur from making too many changes at once, which can actually have the opposite impact of increasing productivity. However, each organization may have a different best practice for boosting warehouse productivity.

So in what way can your warehouse uprear productivity?

No matter how efficiently your warehouse runs, you can always increase the effectiveness of your space. Other measures to increase the productivity of your warehouse include investing in and maintaining modern equipment, upholding secure and comfortable working conditions, and giving your employees a fair wage.
Below listed are the 6 easy ways to improve warehouse productivity and enjoy the benefits of a productive and efficient warehouse environment:
Measure your warehouse performance
Benchmarking your warehouse efficiency, productivity, and profitability may be done after you are familiar with your company, industry, rivals, and standard technologies.
The top four areas to shed more light on to increase warehouse productivity are listed below:
1. Workforce performance
If you haven’t done, create KPIs for your warehouse and monitor them while paying great attention to employee productivity and performance. Take notice of the areas where there are gaps and their causes. Then, utilize this information to help your labor teams perform better.
2. Industry growth and trends
For a seamless supply chain, pay attention to the technology available, the evolving workplace practices at your suppliers and distributors, and how you might integrate into those new procedures.
3. Competitor Performance
Study your competitors for insights. Benchmarking your performance against the industry norm and your immediate competitors can always provide you with a few insights on how to increase profitability and efficiency.
4. Competitive costing system
Encourage your procurement staff to maintain a competitive cost for your incoming supplies while simultaneously working to lower your internal costs, which will lower your price to customers. Regularly evaluate these costs and consider practical ways to reduce them.
Improve Communications
Communication problems are often to blame for slowdowns and fragmentation. If communications are exchanged between team members or between personnel and the technology they use, ensure all information required for task completion is included. To make the journey as efficient as possible, one must consider the amount of time lost along the route. This means the more times an employee needs to turn around and contact another worker or consult a warehouse management system for more details.
Make Your Facility More Time-Effective
Streamline your business overlaps with several productivity strategies. First, streamline employee work so they can be more productive. If you don’t simplify their jobs, your staff won’t respond to rewards by raising their work output.
Below are three key areas where you can reduce the amount of time spent in your warehouse:
1. Organize workstations
give your warehouse staff the right equipment to finish their job on time. To do this, analyze the pain areas where you need to deploy or update relevant tools or solutions. For example, warehouse firms can deploy an automated dimensioning solution to calibrate the parcel DIMs instead of using tape and rulers. Additionally, integrating these dimensioning solutions with the shipping software or WMS allows you to keep your inventory lean and healthy.
2. Get employee feedback
Find out what your staff thinks needs to be fixed in your warehouse. Then, make changes to your facilities to improve their work efficiency using the knowledge you’ve learned.
3. Improve safety
Safe employees won’t require time off for accidents at work. By raising workplace safety, you may also increase productivity and loyalty.
Reduce Travel Time
Travel time is the amount of time spent going from one section of the warehouse to another. This time can be downsized by investing in automated or robotic solutions that swiftly move goods from one warehouse area to another, optimizing pick routes, reorganizing rooms inside your warehouse based on the order of activity, or optimizing pick routes. As a result, your operation will be more productive if travel time is scaled down.
Automate Your Packaging and Shipping Processes
The concept of automation has repeatedly come up in this piece, and the packaging and shipping processes are two places where it can significantly boost production. It can be worthwhile to check into the different automated solutions available on the market if your employees spend time packaging goods and getting pallets ready for transportation. Depending on your requirements, you might include fully integrated line systems, automated parcel dimensioning solutions, automatic pallet wrapping machines, or automated boxing solutions. Spending money in these areas is simple, so carefully determine your projected ROI and explore your possibilities.
Cut Labor Costs Without Downsizing Your Workforce
Utilize employees’ leisure as they spend less time on the floor by cross-training other employees. A skilled group will be available to expand your personnel in a specific warehouse region during periods of high demand. For instance, you may use personnel from different areas of your plant to assist with product picking during the peak shipping season for the holidays. You will save money by avoiding the need to recruit and train seasonal workers. Additionally, you will raise the value of and loyalty to your company among your employees.


Any warehouse owner will always place a higher focus on improving warehouse productivity. However, to do it properly, you must regularly assess the crucial areas where you can include pertinent solutions that will assist warehouse workers in completing jobs more quickly and accurately. As a result, you can greatly enhance your warehouse with increased productivity in the space.
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