Dimensioners that measure anything from parcels to pallets

Baby Yoda wearing sunglasses Cute cyberpunk panda bear try it yourself Our customers enjoy the ease of dimensioning nad manage dimensioanl data on a first of its kind cloud based solution! 'Wow! Dimensioning' Frim 'Why Dimensioning?' to Joshua Hogeterp John schell

Solving more than just the problem of accurate DIMs

Hear our customers talk about how they ensured accurate billing, decreased shipping costs, and eliminated inefficiencies in their warehouse and logistics processes with vMeasure Parcel Ultima

5 million parcels scanned in just 30 days across receiving and packing stations

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Reasons why customers love vMeasure

Accurate dimensions. No matter how many times you repeat it.
Our customers love that vMeasure Parcel Ultima installs in just 15 minutes and is ready for the first scan in another 15 minutes.
Our customers love that vMeasure Parcel Ultima delivers outstanding returns on their investment, offering significant cost savings and remarkable process improvements.
Our customers love that our dimensioning specialists can remotely install over 10 devices in a warehouse with just 2 team members in a single 8-hour shift.

Experience the vMeasure difference in your operations

Our customers reduced time and effort spent on dimensioning while getting the much needed accuracy with vMeasure which helped them decrease their shipping costs, avoid arduous carrier disputes, utilize warehouse space effectively and much more.
vMeasure went beyond its expected use cases into the hands of finance teams helping them reduce bill reconciliation time from days to minutes, enabled by vMeasure dimensioner’s cloud companion, the vMeasure Forge.
Want to know how our range of dimensioners can help change your operations?
Talk to our dimensioning specialists today!

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