Dimensioners that measure anything from parcels to pallets

Case Study

How did a fulfillment center improve workspace productivity by switching from manual dimensioning to automated dimensioning?

eCommerce Fulfillment Center
Automated Shipping Dimensioner


Outbound Logistics
Use case
International eCommerce
Order Management System

Case Study Summary

The client is an eCommerce fulfillment center that implemented vMeasure dimensioner at the outbound station to dimension smaller objects not larger than an envelope for cross border shipments and get precise DIMs by replacing manual dimensioning with automation.
Their entire workflow was built and customized by the vMeasure team to fit their dimensioning flow.
The implementation of vMeasure increased the orders processed by warehouse associate at the pack station and streamlined their dimensioning flow.

Problems faced by the Client

Expensive Air Freight
The company was incurring heavy expenses since cross-border eCommerce involved air freight—a costly means of transportation.
Order Mix-up

There was constant confusion with orders at the pack station. So, customers received the wrong parcels, which negatively impacted their satisfaction.

Inaccurate Billing

The company overcharged most customers because of inaccurate dimensions captured due to the manual dimensioning process.

Low Throughput Rate

Picking process was inefficient, resulting in reduced throughput at the packing station.

High Loading Time

It was difficult to maintain proper cross-border regulations pertaining to delivery times as the loading time at the pack station was high.

Oversized Packages

The orders went out in oversized packages as they were inadequately advised on the size of the package for a specific order.

Complex Integrations

The company could not find a dimensioning solution that effectively integrated with their WMS without disrupting the current data architecture.

Outdated Systems

Existing technology worked well only to an extent and was not equipped to scale as the company grew its operations.

Lack of resources and time for IT support

The IT team were looking for a solution that would integrate with its existing technology without demanding extensive resource or time.

Business Problems
Expensive Air Freight
The company was incurring heavy expenses since cross-border eCommerce involved air freight—a costly means of transportation.
Order Mix-up

There was constant confusion with orders at the pack station. So, customers received the wrong parcels, which negatively impacted their satisfaction.

Inaccurate Billing

The company overcharged most customers because of inaccurate dimensions captured due to the manual dimensioning process.

Logistics Problems
Low Throughput Rate

Picking process was inefficient, resulting in reduced throughput at the packing station.

High Loading Time

It was difficult to maintain proper cross-border regulations pertaining to delivery times as the loading time at the pack station was high.

Oversized Packages

The orders went out in oversized packages as they were inadequately advised on the size of the package for a specific order.

IT Problems
Complex Integrations

The company could not find a dimensioning solution that effectively integrated with their WMS without disrupting the current data architecture.

Outdated Systems

Existing technology worked well only to an extent and was not equipped to scale as the company grew its operations.

Lack of resources and time for IT support

The IT team were looking for a solution that would integrate with its existing technology without demanding extensive resource or time.

Why did the customer choose vMeasure shipping dimensioner
over other dimensioners?

vMeasure could dimension 95% of their product/SKU sizes.

vMeasure proved to be a reliable and precise solution, meeting the operations team’s expectations for accuracy and repeatability.

The vMeasure team built customizable workflows equipped with Webhook Payload Customization.

The implementation of vMeasure required minimal IT support from the client, as it was able to integrate smoothly with their WMS.

The vMeasure device was successfully integrated with the client’s BC30 Mettler Toledo weighing scale.

The plate of the weighing scale was wide enough to support parcels and objects that would otherwise not fit on the regular plate of the BC30 MT weighing scale.

vMeasure’s small and compact design maximized workspace utility and improved efficiency.

The device can be installed within 20 minutes with minimal parts.

Dimensioning Capability

vMeasure Dimensioner covered all the product/SKU sizes which need to be dimensioned within <1 sec

The accuracy and repeatability metrics of the product exceeded the expectations of the Operations teams, providing reliable and consistent results.

Software Integration

The vMeasure team built customizable workflows equipped with Webhook Payload Customization.

The implementation of vMeasure required minimal IT support from the client, as it was able to integrate smoothly with their WMS.

Hardware Integration

The vMeasure device was successfully integrated with the client’s BC30 Mettler Toledo weighing scale.

The plate of the weighing scale was wide enough to support parcels and objects that would otherwise not fit on the regular plate of the BC30 MT weighing scale.

Physical Characteristics

vMeasure’s small and compact design maximized workspace utility and improved efficiency.

The device can be installed within 20 minutes with minimal parts.

The vMeasure Dimensioning Solution

vMeasure Dimensioning system acts as an entire dimensioning + order verification solution for the client. The following business process was completed using the vMeasure UX on the touch screen
  • The order details, along with the SKUs to be packed for the order, are displayed.
  • The warehouse associate then scans the individual FNSKU to verify.
  • Once all the items are verified using the FNSKU, the warehouse associate then packs the order and places the package on the vMeasure system.
  • The warehouse associate scans the confirmation barcode to trigger the measurement on the vMeasure system.
  • Once the measurement is triggered, the vMeasure system automatically dimensions the package and updates the corresponding data to Ship-Station
  • The vMeasure system returns to the order ID scan screen automatically once the data upload to ShipStation is complete.

How did the client benefit from vMeasure shipping dimensioner?

The company was able to acquire vMeasure without the need for a massive budget since the cost was 60% lower than its peers.

The company saved shipping costs for their customers as they had accurate dimensions to bill them without overcharging.

There were no unnecessary delays in the pack station; therefore, all the orders were processed on time.

The company confidently took up more orders from their customers as their throughput rate increased.

Improve order verification by making sure the right SKU is shipped by mapping dimensions and photographs.

The customizable workflows integrated well into their dimensioning flow and increased productivity and data collection at the pack station.

The SKU image capture feature became foolproof evidence against parcel damage claims.

The orders went inside right-size packages as the cartonization software presented the best option to the warehouse associate.

The pack station was not congested anymore, and the space was now used productively.

Reduced risk of using inaccurate or incorrect information as the data collection was automated.

Warehouse associates took less time to dimension and did not have to upload the measurement data to their WMS manually. This decreased fatigue and increased their productivity.

vMeasure perfectly paired with the enterprise software making it easier for the stakeholders to access information.

What makes vMeasure the only vMeasure shipping dimensioner capable of solving your needs?

vMeasure is an highly adaptable dimensioning as a service solution which can capture the height, length, width, weight and image of the parcel/SKU in <1 second.
Parcel Dimension 1.1
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications
Minimum Dimensions
(L – W – H​)
1.2 x 1.2 x 0.8 in*
3 x 3 x 2 cm
(* For items below 0.8 inches in height, a special envelope base plate is required)
Maximum Dimensions
(L – W – H​)
39.4 – 29.5 – 17.7 in​
100 – 75 – 45 cmhidden texttx
Accuracyhidden texttx
Cubes/Cuboids – 0.2 in / 0.5 cm​
Other Objects – 0.4 in / 1 cm
Mounted onhidden texttx
Table / Mobile Cart / Mechanical Conveyor
Data capturedhidden
  • Annotated SKU/Parcel image​
  • Additional SKU/Parcel image​
  • Custom fields for additional data capture during measurement

* For items below 0.8 inches in height, a special envelope base plate is required​

Parcel Dimension 1.5
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications
Minimum Dimensions
(L – W – H​)
2 x 2 x 2 in​
5 x 5 x 5 cmhidden txthidden
Maximum Dimensions
(L – W – H​)
53.1 – 41.3 – 33.5 in
135 – 105 – 85 cmhiddden text hidden
0.4 in / 1 cmhidden text hidden
Mounted onhidden
Table / Mobile Cart / Mechanical Conveyor
Data capturedhidden
  • Annotated image
  • Multiple angles of SKU/Parcel
  • Custom fields for additional data capture during measurement​
Parcel Dimension 2.2
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications
Minimum Dimensions
(L – W – H​)
3.9 x 3.9 x 3.9 in​
10 x 10 x 10 cmhidden text hidden
Maximum Dimensions
(L – W – H​)
78.7 – 59.1 – 55.1 in​
200 – 150 – 140 cmhidden text hidden
0.6 in / 1.5 cm​hidden text hidden
Mounted onhidden
Floor / Mechanical Conveyor
Data capturedhidden
  • Annotated image
  • Multiple angles of SKU/Parcel
  • Custom fields for additional data capture during measurement
What are you waiting for?
Start Dimensioning at the cost of a coffee per day!

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