Dimensioners that measure anything from a parcel to an oversized pallet

vMeasure Dimensioner Machine for Shipping Process

Measure dimensions, weight, and capture images in under 1 second for accurate shipping cost calculations with vMeasure dimensioner machine.


vMeasure Dimensioner Machine for Shipping Process

Measure dimensions, weight, and capture images in under 1 second for accurate shipping cost calculations with vMeasure dimensioner machine.

Dimensions, weigh and scan any shapes and sizes in <1 second

With vMeasure Dimensioner Machine

What shipping processes are improved by vMeasure Dimensioner Machines?

Prevent Shipping Chargebacks

Avoid profit losses by eliminating chargebacks and due to incorrect parcel measurements and ensure transparency in billing.

Improve Carrier Relationships

Build stronger relationships with carriers by eliminating chargebacks and compliance with dimensional weight rules.

Optimize Truck Loading

Utilize accurate parcel dimensions to optimize truck loading via your transportation management system.

Pick and Pack Efficiency

Reduce pick and pack time by up to 20% using precise dimension data for faster item handling.

vMeasure Dimensioner Machine - Dimensioning Capabilities

Measure anything from small envelopes to mid-sized refrigerators with the vMeasure Dimensioner Machine. Simply adjust the mount height to 1.1 or 1.5 meters for small and medium objects or use the separate hardware at 2.2 meters for larger items.

Parcel Dimension 1.1
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications
Minimum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
1.2 x 1.2 x 0.8 in*
3 x 3 x 2 cm
(* For items below 0.8 inches in height, a special envelope base plate is required)
Maximum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
39.4 – 29.5 – 17.7 in
100 – 75 – 45 cmhidden texttx
Accuracyhidden texttx
Cubes/Cuboids – 0.2 in / 0.5 cm
Other Objects – 0.4 in / 1 cm
Mounted onhidden texttx
Table / Mobile Cart / Mechanical Conveyor
Data capturedhidden
  • Annotated SKU/Parcel image
  • Additional SKU/Parcel image
  • Custom fields for additional data capture during measurement

* For items below 0.8 inches in height, a special envelope base plate is required

Parcel Dimension 1.5
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications
Minimum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
2 x 2 x 2 in
5 x 5 x 5 cmhidden txthidden
Maximum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
53.1 – 41.3 – 33.5 in
135 – 105 – 85 cmhiddden text hidden
0.4 in / 1 cmhidden text hidden
Mounted onhidden
Table / Mobile Cart / Mechanical Conveyor
Data capturedhidden
  • Annotated image
  • Multiple angles of SKU/Parcel
  • Custom fields for additional data capture during measurement
Parcel Dimension 2.2
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications
Minimum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
3.9 x 3.9 x 3.9 in
10 x 10 x 10 cmhidden text hidden
Maximum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
78.7 – 59.1 – 55.1 in
200 – 150 – 140 cmhidden text hidden
0.6 in / 1.5 cmhidden text hidden
Mounted onhidden
Floor / Mechanical Conveyor
Data capturedhidden
  • Annotated image
  • Multiple angles of SKU/Parcel
  • Custom fields for additional data capture during measurement

vMeasure Dimensioner Machine - Integration Capabilities

vMeasure dimensioner machine provides easy cloud-based integration with any 3rd party enterprise software through the vMeasure Forge dimensioning solution.

We can integrate with any

ERP/WMS Solutions

Master Data

Master Data Management Systems

Carrier Software

Multi-Carrier Shipping Software

Check how we integrate with your systems

How manufacturers are optimizing shipping with our Dimensioner Machine?

Hear our customers talk about how they ensured accurate billing, decreased shipping costs, and eliminated inefficiencies in their warehouse and logistics processes with vMeasure dimensioner machine.

Major industries implementing vMeasure Dimensioner Machine

Here are the major industry verticals that are implementing vMeasure for efficient shipping process.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is a dimensioner machine?

A dimensioner machine is a tool that accurately measures the dimensions (length, width, height) and often the weight of packages or parcels. It automates the measurement process, providing precise data for an effective shipping process.

2. How much does a dimensioner machine cost?

The cost of a dimensioner machine varies based on its features, speed, and capacity. For specific pricing, visit our pricing page or contact our sales team.

3. What makes the best dimensioner machine?

The best dimensioner machines stand out for their high accuracy, fast processing speed, seamless integration with software systems, and the ability to handle a variety of package shapes and sizes. Durability, user-friendly operation, and strong customer support also contribute to making a dimensioner machine top-tier.

Tired of wasting time and money on inaccurate package measurements?

vMeasure dimensioner machines uses computer vision technology to instantly capture precise DIMs and weight of every package. This translates to significant savings for your eCommerce warehouse and order fulfillment center.

See the difference for yourself!

Fill out the form below and let our team show you how vMeasure dimensioner machines can:

  • Reduce costly shipping errors and chargebacks.
  • Optimize warehouse space utilization and picking efficiency.

Don’t wait – talk to us today.

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