Dimensioners that measure anything from parcels to pallets

Cubing Systems

Improve Your SKU Master Data with Accurate Dimensions

Ensure precise dimensions for SKU of any size — from envelopes to refrigerators. With vMeasure cubing systems you can reduce shipping costs by generating accurate package dimensions based on exact SKU volume.

Cubing Systems

Improve Your SKU Master Data with Accurate Dimensions

Ensure precise dimensions for SKU of any size — from envelopes to refrigerators. With vMeasure cubing systems you can reduce shipping costs by generating accurate package dimensions based on exact SKU volume.

Dimension all types of SKU in <1 Sec

with vMeasure Ultima Cubing Systems

vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications

Measure anything from small envelopes to mid-sized refrigerators with the vMeasure Parcel Ultima. Simply adjust the mount height to 1.1 or 1.5 meters for small and medium objects or use the separate hardware at 2.2 meters for larger items.

Parcel Dimension 1.1
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications
Minimum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
1.2 x 1.2 x 0.8 in*
3 x 3 x 2 cm
(* For items below 0.8 inches in height, a special envelope base plate is required)
Maximum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
39.4 – 29.5 – 17.7 in
100 – 75 – 45 cmhidden texttx
Accuracyhidden texttx
Cubes/Cuboids – 0.2 in / 0.5 cm
Other Objects – 0.4 in / 1 cm
Mounted onhidden texttx
Table / Mobile Cart / Mechanical Conveyor
Data capturedhidden
  • Annotated SKU/Parcel image
  • Additional SKU/Parcel image
  • Custom fields for additional data capture during measurement

* For items below 0.8 inches in height, a special envelope base plate is required

Parcel Dimension 1.5
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications
Minimum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
2 x 2 x 2 in
5 x 5 x 5 cmhidden txthidden
Maximum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
53.1 – 41.3 – 33.5 in
135 – 105 – 85 cmhiddden text hidden
0.4 in / 1 cmhidden text hidden
Mounted onhidden
Table / Mobile Cart / Mechanical Conveyor
Data capturedhidden
  • Annotated image
  • Multiple angles of SKU/Parcel
  • Custom fields for additional data capture during measurement
Parcel Dimension 2.2
vMeasure Parcel Ultima Specifications
Minimum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
3.9 x 3.9 x 3.9 in
10 x 10 x 10 cmhidden text hidden
Maximum Dimensions
(L – W – H)
78.7 – 59.1 – 55.1 in
200 – 150 – 140 cmhidden text hidden
0.6 in / 1.5 cmhidden text hidden
Mounted onhidden
Floor / Mechanical Conveyor
Data capturedhidden
  • Annotated image
  • Multiple angles of SKU/Parcel
  • Custom fields for additional data capture during measurement

How vMeasure cubing systems ensure accurate SKU master data for retailers?

Streamline your downstream activities with accurate SKU master data to improve order fulfillment process.

Accurate SKU Data Collection

Is your SKU master filled with incomplete or outdated product information?

Our cubing systems automate the collection of precise product measurements, ensuring your SKU master is always accurate and up to date.

Efficient Inventory Tracking

Are inaccurate measurements leading to mismanaged inventory and stock issues?

vMeasure provides exact measurements for each item, helping your inventory system track stock levels accurately and reduce discrepancies.

Accurate Shipping Labels

Are you dealing with delays due to incorrect package size and weight data?

vMeasure cubing system automatically updates the exact product dimensions and weights into your existing system generating accurate shipping labels.

What makes vMeasure cubing systems the preferred choice for retailers?

vMeasure cubing systems delivers dimension accuracy and operation efficiency to modern retail operations.

Capture Accurate Dimensions

vMeasure automated cubing systems measure packages of any shape with 0.2-inch accuracy in under 2 seconds, ensuring reliable SKU data.

Seamless Integration

Easily integrates with your existing WMS, TMS or ERP systems, automatically syncing product dimensions for real-time updates.

Annotated Images for Audits

Captures and stores annotated product images, creating a visual record that supports audit trails and verification processes.

Simple DIY Setup

vMeasure cubing systems are designed for quick and easy installation, allowing your team to get started quickly without extensive training.

When is the best time for Retailers to adopt the vMeasure cubing and weighing system?

Creation of a new warehouse facility

Creation of a new warehouse facility

Upgradation of warehouse automation systems

Upgradation of warehouse automation systems

Implementation of smart packaging systems cartonization software

Implementation of smart packaging systems/ cartonization software

Upgradation of e-commerce shippingpackaging stations

Upgradation of
e-commerce shipping/packaging stations

Frequently asked questions

1. What is a cubing system?

A cubing system is a dimensioning tool designed to capture accurate product dimensions including length, width and height automatically, enhancing inventory management and order processing for retailers.

2. What makes vMeasure one of the best cubing systems for retailers?

vMeasure is considered one of the best cubing systems due to its precise measurement accuracy, seamless integration capabilities, image capture and real time data for data insights.

3. Is vMeasure automated cubing and weighing system suitable for high-volume packages?

Yes, vMeasure automatically measures the dimensions of all shaped packages from an envelope to a mid-sized refrigerator in less than 1 second. making it ideal for high-volume retail operations that need quick data updates and efficient processing.

4. What types of packages can vMeasure handle?

vMeasure cubing systems can measure packages of all shapes and sizes with 0.2-inch accuracy, making it suitable for a wide range of retail products.

5. What are the benefits of using cubing systems for retailers?

Cubing systems provide retailers with precise product measurements and automated data integration, improving efficiency and cost savings. Key benefits include:
  • Accurate Product Dimensions – Ensures precise length, width, height, and weight measurements for better inventory control.
  • Optimized Storage & Space Utilization – Helps retailers efficiently organize warehouses by assigning the right space for each product.
  • Reduced Shipping Costs – Prevents overcharges by providing exact dimensional weight for accurate carrier billing.
  • Faster Order Processing – Automates SKU measurements, reducing manual entry errors and improving order fulfillment speed.

Talk to the dimensioning experts

Would you like to figure out how the vMeasure automated cubing system can save your warehouse time and money by estimating dimensions and weight accurately?
Our team is here to help you streamline your operations and boost your productivity.

Request Free Trial